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Investor Question Answered...


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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One problem with Elio right now is that each year cars do get better mpgs.
Well, actually it's been up and down over time. People have been opting for much taller and bigger since the 80's and after the late 90's it's been very difficut to find truely good mileage. It's a constant push upward in vehicle product, heavier,bigger, more junk inside. Getting a true 'minimum-motor' to do the job has gone out the window. That HAS left a hole for EM to fill. Anyway, this realy is a new marketing idea as it applies to a wide offering, trying to saturate the domestic market. And it IS leveraging this low cost formula to hit it. Certainly, having a low cost vehicle to sell, but then providing upscale offerings either after-market upgrades or optional products will be the ticket for the long term. IMHO, you'll see some of that just after the Elio is on the market.
For example, the highly pragmatic 'Program Manager' I work with. He is NOT the kind of guy to buy anything but a 4seat family-slash-work vehicle. He is the type to exhibit straight Longterm costs-per-month decision making. He will not put a deposite down right now, because it has unknown risks. But if it were on the street today, he wants it NOW, right now. Because as his third car, it saves him money every month. He's not an enthusiest. I feel he's part of the Alfa Market. I'm a memebr of the Beta market. I think it's a really cool concept that really should have always existed, and I want one. My group sees it as special, cute, artful or full of character. Then there's Theta, sort of a geo-political policy view that sees this as helping the world and doing good works. Next is Delta, they see uniqueness, desireability, even sportyness, a toy for new times. They want things they can add to personallize it and enhance it to express thier own vison. Turbo charge it, get a trailer, a luggage rack, re-skin it, network the back for xbox, get together with others for outdoor camping, go on club outings. Any other groups I need to cover? Define for me, what is Gamma or Omega? What group(s) is your possy?, Alfa,Beta, Theta, Delta? , K, little carried away, just enjoying the moment.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
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Vail, AZ
I'm a memebr of the Beta market. I think it's a really cool concept that really should have always existed, and I want one. My group sees it as special, cute, artful or full of character. Then there's Theta, sort of a geo-political policy view that sees this as helping the world and doing good works. Next is Delta, they see uniqueness, desireability, even sportyness, a toy for new times. They want things they can add to personallize it and enhance it to express thier own vison. .
Guess I'm a combination of Beta & Delta


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Well, actually it's been up and down over time. People have been opting for much taller and bigger since the 80's and after the late 90's it's been very difficut to find truely good mileage. It's a constant push upward in vehicle product, heavier,bigger, more junk inside. Getting a true 'minimum-motor' to do the job has gone out the window. That HAS left a hole for EM to fill. Anyway, this realy is a new marketing idea as it applies to a wide offering, trying to saturate the domestic market. And it IS leveraging this low cost formula to hit it. Certainly, having a low cost vehicle to sell, but then providing upscale offerings either after-market upgrades or optional products will be the ticket for the long term. IMHO, you'll see some of that just after the Elio is on the market.
For example, the highly pragmatic 'Program Manager' I work with. He is NOT the kind of guy to buy anything but a 4seat family-slash-work vehicle. He is the type to exhibit straight Longterm costs-per-month decision making. He will not put a deposite down right now, because it has unknown risks. But if it were on the street today, he wants it NOW, right now. Because as his third car, it saves him money every month. He's not an enthusiest. I feel he's part of the Alfa Market. I'm a memebr of the Beta market. I think it's a really cool concept that really should have always existed, and I want one. My group sees it as special, cute, artful or full of character. Then there's Theta, sort of a geo-political policy view that sees this as helping the world and doing good works. Next is Delta, they see uniqueness, desireability, even sportyness, a toy for new times. They want things they can add to personallize it and enhance it to express thier own vison. Turbo charge it, get a trailer, a luggage rack, re-skin it, network the back for xbox, get together with others for outdoor camping, go on club outings. Any other groups I need to cover? Define for me, what is Gamma or Omega? What group(s) is your possy?, Alfa,Beta, Theta, Delta? , K, little carried away, just enjoying the moment.
I would say I am a Beta but I also want a camp trailer as a hopefully affordable way to travel more. I look forward to taking my own bed when I travel to Portland for medical appointments and then finding a really great place to camp on the long way home. Right now I make it as a one day trip that includes 7 hours driving, 2 hours medical appointments, and an hour or less fabric shopping so I can make more swimsuits in between trips. It is an exhausting day but I make it work for me. I even pack my own food so I only have to eat out 1 meal. Sometimes I don't even do that. I simply take enough food for the entire day. I would love to see something besides I-5 in Oregon. LOL :-) Z


Elio Enthusiast
Jun 13, 2014
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OK... Now that I've joined EOForum, I'm going to finally fess up: I AM A (yet to be) PAID SHILL FOR ELIO. They promised me a $500 bonus at delivery, a t-shirt and a bumper sticker. Being a sucker for promo merchandise (where's my Elio coffee mug?), I'll hang on to the shirt and bumper sticker and should this all fall apart, I'll eBay them to recoup a fraction of my deposit: "LQQK!!! NiB ELIO T-SHIRT/BUMPER STICKER MATCHED SET ***RARE***" :D

If you saw my intro post, I was on the fence with initial reservation and I'm still on the fence on color choice. And now with AriLea's personality break down, I find I'm on the fence between the Theta and Delta camps. I'd love to reduce the amount of fuel I use on my daily commute, weekend travels. 95+% of my driving is single occupant and the measly 36mpg of the Civic is KILLING me! :p

Then on the Delta side of things, I jokingly list the Hayabusa Conversion option in my sig, but it's really not that hard core. But I would entertain like brow/fender lights, custom paint/wrap and other assorted DIY/after-market stuff.

"Get off of my fence!"


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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Guess I'm a combination of Beta & Delta
I have to admit I made the groups up based on two things, (well three now) some floor time I spent in a SmartCar dealership when the cars were selling for $30k a pop. (I was courious, who the heck would pay 30k for 50 to 60mpg?) Then also there was the research I did to create my own concept(s). And of course, I'm now interested in what future Elio Owners want. Yes, I do study us. I'm still planning on posting some of those designs I did. I'll get to it, I promise.
I think there will be a group of kids given these as expendible collage /or/ first job convienances. But that is a segment of the Alpha's I feel. The guy who suddenly has a job and needs something affordible immediately is too. That last segment was first talked about by EM a few years ago. But the Alphas are very interesting to us. I could be wrong, but they don't seem to put many deposites down. When they do, they usually have morphed into a Beta or Delta. I'm going to assign then a 'Rho' group. They buy it just cause someone else does. Now this is a bit obtuse and controversial. I say, they kind of follow because they are motivated by what others do. Nobody admits to being a Rho, and none will exist until after all the deposits are fullfilled(IMHO). It's not actually a bad attribute, it's part of a type of survival model. But those people don't put deposits down either. That group has been buying MiniVans, SUV's, Camaros, and all the other most popular models since 'Terra-Houte'(sp) was created. Still, I'm wondering who are the Gammas and Omegas? (plus Vega and Zeta)? Are fleet purchases part of the Alphas? It's all focussed on pure money management, even if just a self-marketing move. Still, if it's business (or government) making a business move, l'll call that Gamma. Lordy, I have to write this down somewhere.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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Loveland OH
I have to admit I made the groups up based on two things, (well three now) some floor time I spent in a SmartCar dealership when the cars were selling for $30k a pop. (I was courious, who the heck would pay 30k for 50 to 60mpg?) Then also there was the research I did to create my own concept(s). Are fleet purchases part of the Alphas? It's all focussed on pure money management, even if just a self-marketing move. Still, if it's business (or government) making a business move, l'll call that Gamma. Lordy, I have to write this down somewhere.
Two thoughts: Smart Cars turn out to have lousy reliability ratings, and being BMW powered cost a fortune to repair. Not so smart!

Regarding fleet purchases, the Elio is a natural for people like housing inspectors, social workers, insurance adjusters, sales people, etc who are on the road a lot. But fleet managers are naturally conservative. They'll want to buy once the vehicle is real and proven … not about to make a big investment on something iffy. Elio has mentioned fleet purchases once or twice -- but they haven't been pushing for that market, at least not publicly. A few city or state government orders for 30-40,000 vehicles would sure jump start things … but isn't likely to happen, IMO. At least not until the car is a going concern.


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
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Well I have no way to respond other than here since you have disabled PM's. I really don't care about saving lost souls, I just want the car built. I am frustrated. This company is the wrong one and does not have the juice to get it done. So close, but so far --it sucks. My mistake is in taking their failure as personally as you have taken any criticisms of them.
Trust me, your frustration is shared by most of us here...everybody wants a more substantial update, a peek of the plant, a picture of the P5 being constructed, etc. I almost went off the roof when I learned about the production being pushed back to Sept. 2015 but in the end, I can be upset or I can wait some more...what else is there to do anyway! There are a lot more Elio enthusiasts here who have been following EM since it started 6 years ago (correct me if I'm wrong) and they're still here to supporting it. I've only learned about the Elio last Feb-Mar. so there's no excuse for me to be impatient!
Patience is the key at this point.;)
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