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Is There Any Physical And Substantial Progress Towards Production Of The Elio?


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
Uh - you believe what you read on FaceBook? Yikes! :) Z
To be fair Z, I would tend to believe what Elio Motors says on their facebook page. It should be their official stance.
That being said, yes, you need to be very careful of the source.
In addition, I still see no where that says 4th qtr, but I have seen Paul Elio mention 3rd qtr, so I'm still a little confused.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
He asked some q that are not speculation(s), and was asking meaningful updates, without "speculation" I tried to cover the "facts" on most of his q and my observations (speculations) on others. It is extremely difficult to produce a product such as this, we all can agree ?, Even your note is admittedly absent of "facts"- i.e. anticipated, twice mentioning speculation, believe it or not, when it's done it's done, the 12th of whenever(?) is that to suggest any time in the future? He/she was just "checking in" without an ax to grind (wherever the derivation of that is from) and no, we're not related (LOL)
I agree with your points and didn't assume carguy had an ax to grind. All I have personally is trust that EM has done what they say and positive speculation. I speculated Elio would reach production status the 12th of whenever back when I first saw the Hello Elio Campaign in 2008.........6 years ago and counting. EM has made physical and substantial progress.

Some won't believe it until they see you driving your Elio down the street, which is totally understandable.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Uh - you believe what you read on FaceBook? Yikes! :) Z
Yikes? I don;t believe but rather TRUST what an Elio Representative tells me on the Elio Facebook Page. Is there some reason I shouldn't?

I don't trust anybody or anything I read until I have some reasonable facts to support that trust. Trust is earned.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Yikes? I don;t believe but rather TRUST what an Elio Representative tells me on the Elio Facebook Page. Is there some reason I shouldn't?

I don't trust anybody or anything I read until I have some reasonable facts to support that trust. Trust is earned.
You simply said Facebook page. I didn't know whether that meant an Elio source or simply Facebook source. A lot of what I have read on Facebook is so negative I have discounted. :-) Z


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Well you weren't the only one who said it, so now I'm not so sure.
I went to Elio's FB and found many comments supporting our preferred anticipated 3rd Quarter 2015 production. I also found many statements by EM saying late 2015 in Shreveport. Whether it's end of the 3rd Q or beginning of 4th Q both are very close.........so not to be confused.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Did I miss an announcement about 4th qtr 2015? I thought it was still 3rd qtr.

Jerome told me in July that the start of production was projected to be 4th Qtr. of 2015.
Would I bet the farm on that? Nope, I reckon if the crash testing starts this spring they've
got a shot @ that time line, but as has been said numerous times, lots of stuff has to fall
into place first..................my best guess: March 2016............
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Elio Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I've gone from this website for a long time. It was intentional. I stayed away from here and other Elio sites because I became a doubter.

I'd like to be a believer again, but I need proof. I need real information about actual Elio production.

Has anything changed? Is there a running engine? Is the plant actually being built with tooling to produce the Elio (not just moving or selling off existing equipment)? Is the production date set or still sliding around as always? Have any subcontractors started producing parts for the Elio? The last bit of news I heard was that Elio was going to hire 900 people to start working in late 2014. That is here and almost gone. Has anyone been hired or interviewed?

In a nutshell: Is there any physical and substantial progress towards production of the Elio?

Is there any reason for me to change my mind and believe they are actually going to build the Elio?

PS. Not a "hater"...just want to be convinced by facts and not speculation.

Have you ever watched new building/restaurants go up in your city/town? Even re-purposing an existing building. It commonly takes 6-7 months to get a simple fast-food chain restaurant built and operating. There's a Krispy Kreme going up in my part of DFW that is basically using (with modifications) an existing Burger King structure and even doing that it's going to take them about 5 months at best. I don't just mean structurally built, I mean actually operating with walk-in customers. And that is with all parties involved "ready to go" immediately. And putting up a fast food restaurant might as well be fingerpainting compared to the immense size of the Elio project.

Just adding up all the tangible progress (or lack thereof) it becomes plainly obvious nothing is coming to fruition next year, or likely even 2016 for that matter. Hiring production staff would take MONTHS and need to be started months out. Populating the facility with Elio-specific tooling and getting it all operating would surely take weeks/months. Not to mention the "retail centers"? As far as I know, Elio has purchased no land etc. We are genuinely still so far out it's not even funny.

Having said that, I'm not a "hater" as I do genuinely want this car, but Elio's timeline could be described as perhaps hopelessly optimistic and anybody who actually believes they'll be driving an Elio next year are either (you choose) naive or gullible.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I've gone from this website for a long time. It was intentional. I stayed away from here and other Elio sites because I became a doubter.

I'd like to be a believer again, but I need proof. I need real information about actual Elio production.

Has anything changed? Is there a running engine? Is the plant actually being built with tooling to produce the Elio (not just moving or selling off existing equipment)? Is the production date set or still sliding around as always? Have any subcontractors started producing parts for the Elio? The last bit of news I heard was that Elio was going to hire 900 people to start working in late 2014. That is here and almost gone. Has anyone been hired or interviewed?

In a nutshell: Is there any physical and substantial progress towards production of the Elio?

Is there any reason for me to change my mind and believe they are actually going to build the Elio?

PS. Not a "hater"...just want to be convinced by facts and not speculation.

In May 2014 it was announced that the expected production timeframe had changed from 1st or 2nd quarter of 2015 to 3rd quarter of 2015. Despite much speculation this is actually the only official timeframe change this year. As we are mere weeks from the end of 2014 it appears likely that this one change will also remain the only official change to the timeframe this year.

The reality is that this is a vehicle still very much in the development phase and there will not be much obvious movement on the production side until six months or less before production actually begins.

Elio Motors has told us that we would not see much movement at the plant, other than selling off excess equipment and some moving of equipment around in that process, until about four to six months prior to production with major production hiring not beginning until about 3 months prior to production. So this tells us that even if everything is on schedule nothing on that front would be happening at this time anyway.

The same thing applies to sub-contractors as while we have seen various prototype parts, such as the dash, shocks, and wiring harness, there is no reason for production to begin on these parts until the plant is starting up the pre-production builds and the assembly line begins operation as this will all be produced for just in time delivery.

As for development news Elio Motors has shown us photos of a fully machined and mostly assembled engine and has told us that the engine is currently in testing however we have not yet seen video or photos of the fully assembled engine running on the test stand. From what we know for the 3rd quarter 2015 timeline to be met we should be seeing movement on the chassis development side in the 1st quarter of 2015 as they must complete several months of full vehicle pre-production testing and a full crash test program before they can enter production.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
You simply said Facebook page. I didn't know whether that meant an Elio source or simply Facebook source. A lot of what I have read on Facebook is so negative I have discounted. :) Z
I thought I mentioned Elio FaceBook, but I agree with you regarding negativity and personal attacks on FB and all social media sites.........to include this one from time to time. Thanks to our moderators it stays quite civil.....they keep us focused on why we are all here..........Elio.
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