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Just Wow!!!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
" odd to use the European measurement of fuel economy unless you are just trying to make a point about how it's easier to compare vehicles when you use liters per kilometers."
So many of us think the world (not European) revolves around our silly units of measures, distance, hours (24hr clock) sizes, weights, liquids etc. It happens that only a very few countries (3-4?) on the planet are not on metric, and the case might also be made about the few countries who drive on the "wrong" side of the road
I throw this out ('cause I ain't sure) doesn't the U.S. armed forces use metric??
Seems like just a few years ago, they tried to introduce metrics in public schools- might have succeeded had the teachers known the system.
Nope. We use inches and feet. Still, since the Elio will be sold only in the US, it makes sense to use the same system that is used in the US. I'm not saying it makes sense or that everyone else should change to the system. I'm just saying that if you are talking about mileage of a vehicle that will only be sold in the US and the people you are talking to (reservationists who are IN the US make up probably 99% of the audience), you should use the system they use. Maybe we should mention that the Elio weighs 89 Stones because that makes just as much sense.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
Concerned about the E being made with (write whatever % P.E. has stated)
give it up just as the Elgin dash, (up to) 84mpg, 5 star safety rating and........

The F35-
"The plane, manufactured by Lockheed Martin but including parts made in several other countries, has been sold to a number of nations, including the UK, Japan, Italy, Turkey and South Korea"
If our military uses international parts to produce the worlds most advanced fighter plane, IMO the E.M. would be advised to drop the concern for off the self American parts, and concede it's not practical to make it with only parts from the U.S. AND move forward to get the "&" into production.

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Geeze, sounds slightly familiar - I remember the exact statement about Japanese products.
Taiwanese ?
5 years from now, folks in the Dollar (substitute Chinese, Korean etc. currency) Store, will turn over their products and see made in the USA, and think, how can they make them so cheap, and what crap it is!
Then after the open the package for what ever they bought, they will try to read the instructions, and say why can't these people write clear instructions in Chinese!?

I just bought a wire crimping tool. The last line in the instructions is , "Do not fall again please"
??? The other 4 did not even make that much since. Probably the wrong since. but spell check liked it.


Elio Addict
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Jelly Stone Park, CA


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Then after the open the package for what ever they bought, they will try to read the instructions, and say why can't these people write clear instructions in Chinese!?

I just bought a wire crimping tool. The last line in the instructions is , "Do not fall again please"
??? The other 4 did not even make that much since. Probably the wrong since. but spell check liked it.
LOL! My old Nintendo froze up once with this simple description: (>**<) I am error!


Elio Addict
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Jelly Stone Park, CA
Elio Turns to Roush for Help

By Steven Symes
Published on Oct 11, 2018


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Make sense. People maybe so quick to make fun of Foreign products (made in China, Korea, India, Turkey, etc.) but they BUY it anyway! LOL The bottom line with American companies is all about making more money. They'll go their way to find foreign soil where labor is cheap and move their assembly plant there. Sounds familiar? And our American workers won't settle for less pay to make these products in here. So, if we can't make the same products here and compete with imported cheap price, then we don't deserve to complain. Now ELIO MOTORS want what???? A partnership with Rouse? A possible Ford Turbo charge engine??? And say it again....it won't affect the price of what...the targeted 7K??? Give me a break. After all these years, they think people are that naive to believe that they can actually deliver the ELIO at that price and made in the USA. I would love to see that. Now it's Canadian 3wheel counterpart, the SOLO is making the headlines, just cut the ribbons in their first ever store in good Ol' USA so I won't be surprise to have test drives in here soon with production SOLOs to follow and fill up their lots. And unlike EM, Electra Meccanica knows that they can't deliver their SOLO for the price that people are comfortable paying without seeking foreign help which in their case, China to manufacture it. And at 15K plus tax, it's what I should expect, it's fully enclosed, A/C is now available and perfect for solo drivers that drives less than 100 miles to work or to babysit our grand kids like me. It's unique, it's shoe like, it's weird, it's EV but it's coming soon, or I can wait, and wait, and wait for ELIO's unique tadpole looking 3wheeler, it's weird, it's ICE but depreciation will surely take it's toll on their targeted price and that's just the reality. JMHO.
Wait a minute! Arcimoto is doing it at their Eugene,OR manufacturing plant. I toured the plant last week. They are busy assembling FUVs, while cutting and tooling the parts from raw materials in house, which eliminates their reliance on parts suppliers, controls their parts inventory, and keeps their cost down. Also, I test drove a made in the USA FUV - - - WOWser! Arcimoto currently employs 84 highly motivated people. The ones I saw working at the AMP all had smiles on their faces. Yes, it can be done. Perhaps Elio could do it too if they only had a validated prototype. :)

I prefer the faces and location of this business model picture

over the faces and location of this business model picture
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