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Momentum V101 -


Elio Addict
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
People north of the Arctic Circle should drive vettes.

I am pretty sure after living in the Arctic (north of Nome) that that little door would freeze closed. The only thing really good is that when it is really cold the air is pretty dry. Most of the time I lived there I never used wipers unless it was summer.


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Wipers... When I bought my Honda Fit in 2008, it came equipped with beam wipers. I remember thinking, "Damn, this will be great in the winter. No support linkages to get iced up." :D Well, yeah it looked that way, but it didn't work in practice at all. The "whatever" (take your pick; freezing rain, sleet, snow) freezes to the bottom of the beam, immobilizes the rubber blade (it can no longer move side to side) and lifts sections clean off the glass... Don't get me wrong, they're great three seasons out of the year, but come the middle of November, the old fashioned covered winter wipers still go on.


Elio Addict
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Jelly Stone Park, CA
Sent to Elio Motors, will let you know the reply.

"Just a thought.

Looking at E1C pictures. The windshield does not go below the plane of the hood.

A hidden wiper might reduce drag ?

Maybe a little longer windshield, or a little longer hood, or a flare up end on the hood, or together, could do the trick to make the parked wiper hidden ?

" Some larger cars are equipped with hidden wipers (or depressed-park wipers). When wipers are switched off in standard non-hidden designs, a "parking" mechanism or circuit moves the wipers to the lower extreme of the wiped area near the bottom of the windscreen, but still in sight. For designs that hide the wipers, the windscreen extends below the rear edge of the hood, and the wipers park themselves below the wiping range at the bottom of the windscreen, but out of sight."
Windscreen wiper - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windscreen_wiper)

Thank You

Elio Motors Customer Service (Elio Motors)

Apr 26, 19:35 EDT

Thanks for the great feedback Booboo - we truly appreciate it!

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