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Okay, So What Is The Real Deal?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
If only all folks like you went on cruises (just the basics, no gambling or drinking) they'd go broke! Hey that's what I do, and have a great time! I admire your fortitude in keeping it base, but I need (not want) automatic tranny- all the rest will be wants. I hope they offer a rearview mirror, I need it to hang my parking permit on!!


Elio Addict
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
oregon city, oregon
If only all folks like you went on cruises (just the basics, no gambling or drinking) they'd go broke! Hey that's what I do, and have a great time! I admire your fortitude in keeping it base, but I need (not want) automatic tranny- all the rest will be wants. I hope they offer a rearview mirror, I need it to hang my parking permit on!!

My state DMV makes a small sticker just for m/c that attaches to the windshield. You might want to check with your state DMV


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
it has been discussed elsewhere that most of the vehicles will come with options that increase not only the retail price but the profit margin. Too much focus is on the $6800 as it has little to do with what most will want on their car. I am the only one I know of that is getting the base model with no options. Also, investors will realize that the delivery price that P.E. wants can be for the first year of production with ample increase in year two ongoing...if necessary. Personally, I think Paul is holding out on accepting just any investment so he can keep control and I have no problem with that. Sooner or later, one way or another, it will be funded.

Base model for me too. I don't fault anyone for getting an AMT, or any other options, tho. Because I do plan to add a few things but, I can do them myself. Having the ability to choose our options is a great thing. :)


Elio Addict
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Northeast Georgia
Who is Floyd? :confused:
Joined Feb of 13..... only 7 posts in two years?
Wants Paul to change his name to CAR?
What's this about spats and trailer fenders? o_O
Central Florida home of waterfront property. (hehehe)
Sounds pretty fishy or....... Mickey Mouse......that's it.
WAIT A MINUTE! :rolleyes:
Eureka!! ..................I have all the answers!!
"This has all the hallmarks of a classic scam". :eek:
Guess what Floyd, or whatever your name is.
Welcome to Troll Smackdown XXVII. :D
Have a nice Day........


Elio Enthusiast
Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
Greenfield Center, NY
Thanks -

Here I guess is my point. Remember that to jump start TESLA, Elon not only asked for those that could - pay the full amount up front for a car that was not even finished being designed - he then asked those same folks at a later date and raised the price they had already contracted for. Many were not happy but he was transparent in giving them all the information he had at the time and treated them like true "partners" respecting their investments as if they were his own. There were some that just wanted to be part of it from the beginning - and that commitment helped build a foundation for him to present to other angel an hedge investors - It is true had the US funding not come in they would have been out of business but to even get that far a lot of people had to lay down some serious bucks to push TESLA off the ground.

I'm sure EM would be in a very different situation with possible Hedge fund and angel and institutional investors if he already had a $100 million commitment from his All In's. I know what I'm saying here is crazy to some - I'm not sure with the present information flow we are being given I'd even be interested in moving to this level - but what I am saying is it certainly would send the message to EM, and all his backers of just how important this project is to some of us. As many know - my interest in this kind of product stems from me carrying in literally tens of thousands of troops in and out of the middle east in the last few decades. If this nation can spend $4 trillion and counting on two wars that in the end we have so little to show for - and paid the deeper price of the ultimate sacrifice of our country men and women - is it really that big a sacrifice for me - or maybe others to come up with another $5800 and be "really" ALL IN. Just a thought.
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