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Regarding Taxes And Incentives


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
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North Carolina
Perhaps partially funding it by an "everyone" tax but the people using the roads the most are also causing the most wear and tear. If I rent out my home for one week, I can't expect the people who rented it for one week to split the tax burden (or yearly utilities) evenly with me.
Apples and oranges. Everyone uses the road equally through mail delivery, going to work etc. Roads are a universal utility. Also, charging for tearing up the road would require weight limits and tire softness to be measured.


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2016
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San Marcos, TX
I don't know why it took me so long to find this. We all assumed Elio wouldn't qualify for a tax credit as it's gas powered. Looks like FUV and Solo don't qualify either. I would say the list is outdated but Kandi is on there. I've written to Solo's facebook page for guidance but they haven't responded. https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/taxevb.shtml

"All-electric and plug-in hybrid cars purchased in or after 2010 may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500."

It is because Kandi makes four wheeled cars, the three wheeled FUV and Solo are classified as motorcycles and do not qualify for the $7,500 tax credit.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
The thing is, it is coming. More and more states are charging to own an EV. Rightfully so. My i3 uses the road like crazy and the tax is minimal. It's not fair. Same for everyone else. I would still put farmers on the list. If they want to drive a combine on the road, it needs to be licensed and thus it's a tax. i'm only wanting to discuss people and companies that use the road system, pay for it's upkeep. If you don't use it, then you don't pay a tax. When we are all driving our Elios, we will pay less because we will use less gas but the yearly tax is the same. On the other hand, I'd pay way less tax with my i3 and that's not fair because I abuse the road as much as my Elio will.

We are lucky we don't live in Europe because the tax they pay to drive a car is ridiculous as compared to what we pay. Thus people use public transportation and bicycles more often.
and drive VERY small cars


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
"All-electric and plug-in hybrid cars purchased in or after 2010 may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500."

It is because Kandi makes four wheeled cars, the three wheeled FUV and Solo are classified as motorcycles and do not qualify for the $7,500 tax credit.
To be certified for the credit by the manufacturer, the vehicle must meet the following requirements:

  • The vehicle must be made by a manufacturer (i.e., it doesn't include conventional vehicles converted to electric drive)


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
It says vehicle in the legal section. If three wheels excludes them and can't be gotten around then it's a fatal mistake. The tax credit will make better cars the same or close to fuv and solo price.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
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North Carolina
Let's see, so folks who have no kids in schools shouldn't pay school taxes. Pay as you go libraries?, fire departments? police? street lights?
FEMA?, tax exempt houses of worship being subsidized in part by non-belivers?
Are you agreeing with me or do you not know what means based is. Everyone pays those because everyone benefits, same as what I think the road tax should be.

Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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Lets look to the future of solar panels connected to the grid. If every building made power, that was then sold to the grid, is it not conceivable that the power company would not have enough "profit" to maintain the lines? In essence, the power company would be put out of business by the many small producers. Therefore, a "producer" tax would be implemented for all solar systems connected to the grid in order to maintain it. Some would then save money by going off the grid and using batteries for local storage. Used batteries for EV's will be available in the near future, but I see the possibility that if you buy these batteries, you will pay a disposal or recycle tax when they finally wear out. When it comes to power (electrical/gas etc.) the only way to win and avoid taxes is to go Amish and not use it.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
Lets look to the future of solar panels connected to the grid. If every building made power, that was then sold to the grid, is it not conceivable that the power company would not have enough "profit" to maintain the lines? In essence, the power company would be put out of business by the many small producers. Therefore, a "producer" tax would be implemented for all solar systems connected to the grid in order to maintain it. Some would then save money by going off the grid and using batteries for local storage. Used batteries for EV's will be available in the near future, but I see the possibility that if you buy these batteries, you will pay a disposal or recycle tax when they finally wear out. When it comes to power (electrical/gas etc.) the only way to win and avoid taxes is to go Amish and not use it.
If you follow power company stocks, you'll see they have a problem. It's that we have slowly been replacing energy wasting appliances, insulating homes better and replacing all of those indecent bulbs. In the end, they have flat lined when it comes to overall electric usage. What most want are EV's to allow them to bring in more business and thus they can turn the industry around.

As for solar panels, the best thing for the US is this. Most of us do not have the correct weather, altitude latitude to really get full potential out of solar panels. It's why when solar city came by I educated them as to why my house is a waste of time and money to have panels. Luckily for me I took a solar energy course when I was in college, thus it has way more information in it than what people realize. Plus the points I mentioned and where my house is, proves it. My neighbors were all for it and now they are realizing that what they are getting is peanuts and thus they never realized that the efficiency is starting to drop. So those peanuts have been cut by 1/3.

Also, if you live in an unregulated state, you pay for the line maintenance as long as a line is run to your house. If you want to cut the line, then you are on your own.

Plus, depends on the Amish. The ones that built my deck have power run to the barn and a phone. So they are paying for something.
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