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Union Shop

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
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Good morning, goofy.

Maybe there have been posts about this in the past; I admit, I didn't check first. Figured the very BEST source of information on this forum. . . , if not, THE MOST UP TO DATE, comes from "fearless leader." And in this case, that would be you.

Please share with us: Will the Elio be built in a UAW, Union Shop? Or will Paul keep them out?

Has he indicated what his plans are concerning that?

Being realistic, I can understand that there may be those on this forum that either do work in Union Shops, or would be in favor of one in this venture. . . . . . But my personal vote would be AGAINST that.

What say Ye?


Elio Addict
Sep 11, 2014
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Suffolk, VA
Some unions are good and others are bad. The UAW seems to fall on the bad side of things with all the publicity they recently received when GM and Chrysler almost collapsed. They were not a direct cause but when it came to trying to save the companies they wanted to give up nothing. We had a Ford F-150 plant in our area that closed down some time ago and my friend was a non-union supervisor who shared some very interesting and somewhat disturbing facts with me about the UAW. Hopefully things and the UAW culture has changed but who knows. His particular function on the line required 16 people to run. He needed to keep 21 people on the rolls to account for call ins. His shift started at midnight Sunday night after a one day maintenance shutdown. The line started on time again about 50% of the time due to call ins (sick). His line shut down for several hours one day because a nut and bolt came loose from some conveyor component and everyone refused to tighten it back up because that was the job of the union mechanic who wasn’t there that day. Ford lost 2-3 hours of production until they called a mechanic in to tighten it while the assembly line workers went on break.
These represent probably a very small portion of common union complaints that are out there without mentioning some of the ridicules financial concessions in their contracts. To me, some of these unions appear to have found a loophole into legalized extortion.
On the good side there is a mason union in some large city that is so highly sought after because of the quality of their work you have to schedule them about a year out and pay more for their service. Their members self-police their ranks and anyone who does something that could tarnish their image is out.


Elio Addict
Jul 24, 2014
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Pacific, MO
Let me chime in here as a member of the IAMAW local 837C machinist union. Couldn't agree more with what Wayne Kemp says. I've been a member for 25 years, and because my clock number high (the order in which you were hired...a bad thing when it comes to lay-off time!), had to hit Banshee Rd. (code for "later newby!") 4 times in my first 10 years, all the while there was worthless dead weight waving goodbye, and waiting for my parking spot. We've got people out here with OVER 50 years, and have no plans of retiring. They just give them easier and easier jobs, until they're basically just taking up space. IMPOSSIBLE to get fired, unless you just don't show up for work. Every job I ever worked up until I hired in at McDonnell Douglas was a non-union job. Your level of pay was directly proportional to your value to the company...work hard, do good quality work, your pay reflected it. Lazy and/or crappy quality work...See ya! I'd vote "NO" on unionization if I was Paul Elio and Co.! Gotta be some die-hard union guy here that want me tarred and feathered after these comments, fair enough, but first prove anything I said was a lie, or even an exaggeration....Don't get me started on the union leadership, that's a whole nother rant.


Elio Addict
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Some unions are good and others are bad. The UAW seems to fall on the bad side of things with all the publicity they recently received when GM and Chrysler almost collapsed. They were not a direct cause but when it came to trying to save the companies they wanted to give up nothing. We had a Ford F-150 plant in our area that closed down some time ago and my friend was a non-union supervisor who shared some very interesting and somewhat disturbing facts with me about the UAW. Hopefully things and the UAW culture has changed but who knows. His particular function on the line required 16 people to run. He needed to keep 21 people on the rolls to account for call ins. His shift started at midnight Sunday night after a one day maintenance shutdown. The line started on time again about 50% of the time due to call ins (sick). His line shut down for several hours one day because a nut and bolt came loose from some conveyor component and everyone refused to tighten it back up because that was the job of the union mechanic who wasn’t there that day. Ford lost 2-3 hours of production until they called a mechanic in to tighten it while the assembly line workers went on break.
These represent probably a very small portion of common union complaints that are out there without mentioning some of the ridicules financial concessions in their contracts. To me, some of these unions appear to have found a loophole into legalized extortion.
On the good side there is a mason union in some large city that is so highly sought after because of the quality of their work you have to schedule them about a year out and pay more for their service. Their members self-police their ranks and anyone who does something that could tarnish their image is out.
of the many appealing features of the elio vehicle, one was, it being constructed in a right to work state, so the unions couldn't come in and extort the management, corrupt the workers and drive the price out of practical purchasing range. can't say it'll never happen but paul could would never reach his planned $6800.00 selling price if they did. besides, the uaw has been proven to be a front for one of the bigger fund raising fronts for the dnc as are most unions.
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