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What Is Elio Stock Trading For Today?


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2016
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San Marcos, TX
I thought that GoFundMe sounded fishy, looks like it is. It was started by a comedian and not Kylie Jenner herself. It was in response to the Forbes cover where they stated her net worth was $900M. While I am not saying the Jenners/Kardashians are not privileged, but if a 21 year old Kylie Jenner can make almost $1B from selling makeup online I have to applaud her.

When I was 21 I was blackout drunk most evenings and skipping half of my college classes the next mornings. I cannot say I spent my youth any better.


Elio Addict
Feb 27, 2016
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Problem with most major auto makers is that the labor and other overhead costs are so high that the cost to produce is also high. During a recession if sales drop off, and they do, either the makers have to lay people off, or reduce their profits to encourage sales. Probably both. In the end, I think a recession would help sell the Elio idea. Are we headed towards a recession? Maybe.No idea on when a recession might happen, but it's a definite possibility. There would be a great demand for 4-season, highway rated vehicle that cost around $10,000. It still might happen for Elio.
I believe prosperity will drive more sales than the fear of high gas prices.
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Elio Fan
May 6, 2018
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Problem with most major auto makers is that the labor and other overhead costs are so high that the cost to produce is also high. During a recession if sales drop off, and they do, either the makers have to lay people off, or reduce their profits to encourage sales. Probably both. In the end, I think a recession would help sell the Elio idea. Are we headed towards a recession? Maybe. No idea on when a recession might happen, but it's a definite possibility. There would be a great demand for 4-season, highway rated vehicle that cost around $10,000. It still might happen for Elio.
There is a possibility that we will have a recession in 2019 helped .... the yield curve crossing each other causing a inverted yield curve. Short term interest rates and long term rates are getting close to each other and when short term rates are higher then long term rates it usually produces a recession. Only time will tell!

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Elio Addict
Jun 9, 2016
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Jelly Stone Park, CA
There is a possibility that we will have a recession in 2019 helped by the Trump tariffs and the yield curve crossing each other causing a inverted yield curve. Short term interest rates and long term rates are getting close to each other and when short term rates are higher then long term rates it usually produces a recession. Only time will tell!
Agreed, Only time will tell.
P.S. I think Elio's would sell well in any economic downturn.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
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North Carolina
I don't get why a downturn will sell them. I kind of get where you are going, I just don't personally get it totally. Recessions kill spending of anything "luxury" and the Elio is a luxury. If you can buy an Elio or a used car that seats 4 a person really in need will have to go with the used car. I'm not even sure that high gas prices push the Elio. We want one as a commuter vehicle because we are using logic but also because we are justifying a new toy.

Back to the Tesla topic, Elon seems to be showing his true self with his short temper lately. I don't think Tesla will fail nor do I think he will be forced out like Jobs was from Apple but it is a long shot possibility.


Elio Addict
May 18, 2016
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Back to the Tesla topic, Elon seems to be showing his true self with his short temper lately. I don't think Tesla will fail nor do I think he will be forced out like Jobs was from Apple but it is a long shot possibility.

I think if you were working Elon's hours, and continuelly being attacked (for years) by short sellers and the media, you'd be a little testy, too. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone says things in the heat of the moment that they wish they could take back. I certainly have.

I'm not excusing his actions, but I think you have to put yourself in his shoes. The guy is passionate about his businesses, and it's rather unfortunate that people seem to feel it necessary to attack him for financial or emotional gain.

I do not think he's showing his "true self," I think he's showing he's a fallible human being.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
And your just the sort of person he is depending on.
Not to be negative, but look at the writing on the wall, the stock has dropped over 100 point in just 6 weeks, it was down to $313.58 today.
There are recommendations to sell your Tesla stock before it tanks. Just 6 weeks ago, it was $425.00 a share.
They have produced pictures of a bunch of Tesla's sitting in storage at two locations, about 1,000 at each
That's a lot of inventory to be sitting on, and the refunds on Tesla's has run out, so the government is stopping payments on the $7,500 refunds.
There is a lot of writing on the wall that this company is having problems, and right now, can't stop the bleeding, and your saying that he's not showing
his true self? He's the head of a company that is on a brink of a major fail point, it's make or break time, and the break is winning.
They are going to have to find some answers to their problems.
And service after the sale? Pretty much non-existent; this is one area they have to make some big changes to.
I can post pages of complaints, but it not worth the time. Tesla has some big problems they had better address before they try producing a semi,
because these companies have a lot of lawyers, and aren't going to stand for lame excuses.
And I just read that they get their cobalt for the batteries from Cuba, and Cuba has problems collecting on import & export and paying those taxes, so the government is looking into that. Tesla thinks they have problems now? Just wait, the next act is going to be a doozie.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
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North Carolina
What Coss said. Things are just starting and Elon has a history of being hot headed. Remember when Tesla was just starting and raised the price after signing contracts with buyers? Remember when Tesla said they don't have to honor recalls on cars that they consider unworthy?
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