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When Elios And Elio Owners Congregate


Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
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According to Alon Shulman, author of "A Mess of Iguanas, A Whoop of Gorillas: An Amazement of Animal Facts", a group of tadpoles is called a cloudicon1.png. Scientific publications also use the terms school and shoal, depending on the tadpoles' behavior.

Read more: What do you call a group of tadpoles? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1940777#ixzz3B513Jver

So, I think the group of Elio's will be called a cloud of Elio's.

Or, since the possibility of Elio's ever making it to volume production will be amazing, I think we could also call a group or gathering of Elio's an Amazement of Elio's.

An amazing cloud of Elio's?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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I've sung my share of songs in "pubs" around the world. The one constant is my singing never improved with the volume of beverages but that never hampered the fun. I'm a good sport and if you can stand it, I'll sing along with you but you will be sorry........LOL
I'm all in! The good news is my singing and drinking skills are at your level.........so yes it will be fun indeed! JOYFUL NOISE!

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
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Vail, AZ
I'm all in! The good news is my singing and drinking skills are at your level.........so yes it will be fun indeed! JOYFUL NOISE!
Looking forward to a gathering of Elios in the future where we can sing out hearts out without consequences and make joyful noises. Wouldn't mind imbibing a little as well.


Elio Aficionado
Aug 2, 2014
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Looking forward to a gathering of Elios in the future where we can sing out hearts out without consequences and make joyful noises. Wouldn't mind imbibing a little as well.

Count me in! I can make a joyful noise AND imbibe, for that matter, I'm pretty durn good at doing both at once! :)
As for walking and chewing gum at the same time..... o_O


Elio Fan
Sep 11, 2014
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As any internet connoisseur will tell you, a great group needs an unequally unique great name...think 4 chan b/ tard or somethingawful goons.

I was trying to think of a play on words situation, but all I can come up with is Elioddballs, or Elioutcasts.

I guess we could just go by "Tadpoles"

We need something identifiable! What are some ideas?

I see a considerable thread is already attacking this conundrum. Thanks for adding mine in Mod.

Moderator Comment: Merged into existing thread
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Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
Club meets to share mods and ideas over the requisite mug of coffee are great ideas, but tours and even "poker runs" can get the group on the road and (almost) in the wind . . . in good weather when you don't need heat or AC.

Our US Power Squadron used to have monthly rendezvous for members to share the boating experience with cruises to area waterways, including one annual event from Galveston to the Mexican border. One year we reversed that and put in at Galveston and cruised to New Orleans. Our trailer boats made trips to lakes all over Texas, and one to Lake Powell, while several of us put in at Ft Smith AR and ran up the Arkansas River through 14 of the 18 locks and dams through the state and into Oklahoma. We did that one in the late fall and although it was chilly, we stayed on our boats for three days before a flood on the upper reaches of the river in Oklahoma forced us back to avoid the debris that was washing down. It was a beautiful, instructive, and outstanding trip for all.

Rallys or poker runs have been around the motorcycle and sports car clubs for years - each participant follows a set of directions to hidden envelopes along the route at which they pick up an envelope - each with a playing card inside. At a "banquet" the evening after the event, teams open their envelopes and lay out their best poker hand. The winner gets a small trophy or better, a small automotive trinket. Whether your "ante" is a couple of bucks (to buy the prize) or $25 or $50 for a local charity, it's good fun - and it's perfectly safe because speed doesn't count - it's the hand you play at the banquet that determines the winner.

The idea of these events is to get more of us out on the 2-lane where we can see more of our region, visit local fairs and festivals, and socialize at rest stops with friends with similar interests. An FRS or old CB radio keeps everyone in contact (within a few miles) so even long convoys can pass along points of interest. On one boating cruise through the wilds of the Vermillion River and Bayou Teche near Lafayette, LA, we had a local guide on board the lead boat pointing out the wildlife and making an excellent presentation via radio on the wetlands through which we were passing. A big meet at a small backwoods restaurant topped off the day with outstanding fresh local dishes.
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