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Towing The Elio / Towing With The Elio


Elio Addict
Jun 5, 2014
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San Diego, CA
I would think that a simple solution like installing a hitch ball on the Elio, then purchase or make a 2-sided trailer hitch (2-inch bar stock with hitch bolted on both ends). Then just back the Elio to your Motorhome, connect the two hitches, chain, and lights, and you are on your way.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Any ideas for towing behind an RV. Thanks all, Josh
Hi and welcome from Oregon, Josh. There are other discussions on this site of this subject specifically for flat towing, so you might want to use forum search to find and read them. Many people on here can give you links. Unfortunately I am not one of them. This is a very diverse group of people from all over the country and some even out of the country. There is a lot of knowledge, speculation, discussion, creativity, pictures, videos, humor and of course that leads to just plain fun. I hope you enjoy the wait for Elios by spending time with us. 2015 Elios, here we come! :) Z


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
They have said 'many times' that the Elio will be able to be 'flat towed' behind an RV...... so I'd bet they already have a 'system' in mind...... just have to WAIT until they (or an 'aftermarket' supplier) release it!


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Hi and welcome from Oregon, Josh. There are other discussions on this site of this subject specifically for flat towing, so you might want to use forum search to find and read them. Many people on here can give you links. Unfortunately I am not one of them. This is a very diverse group of people from all over the country and some even out of the country. There is a lot of knowledge, speculation, discussion, creativity, pictures, videos, humor and of course that leads to just plain fun. I hope you enjoy the wait for Elios by spending time with us. 2015 Elios, here we come! :) Z
And as you can see our magical moderators have moved you to the appropriate thread. Enjoy the reading here. :-) Z

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
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Vail, AZ
Josh, welcome from New Mexico. As you can tell there are plenty of helpful friendly members who will help answer your questions. Using the forum search function will expedite you finding the answers to most questions. There are many posts on towing and being towed. Enjoy your journey through the posts. Hope you find the Elio journey and experience exciting and rewarding.


Elio Aficionado
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Central United States
My understanding from when I went to the Columbus show, is that there will a provision for this from the factory :)

I raised this question both in writing and in person.

The answers were that the Elio would be flat towable, and that, at the time, after-market devices would have to be obtained to do so. Those answers were as of about three months ago.

I had suggested that consideration be made to incorporate hardened attachment points at the front of the vehicle during manufacture in order to make rigging easier. I also intimated that consultation with manufacturers of towing equipment during design might be of benifit.

I continued the conversation no further.

I, possibly inaccurately, assued that at least one hardened point would be incorportated into the design for the front end of the vehicle in question to accomodate installation of a towing hook for use in emergency situations. As the vehicle is not an automobile, but rather is an autocycle, I don't if there is any legal imputus/requirement for such a device. Installation of one would provide a point on one side to use, with an additional possibly added at some future time for towing.

I'm still "All In" at $100, but have, during the intervening time between those inquiries and today, acquired a 2014 Honda Fit, and have installed the equipment necessary to successuflly, and legally tow it behind my 2010 Airstream Interstate.



Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I'm thinking Elio deserves something like this if being towed behind a motorhome:
image.jpg image.jpg


Elio Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Trailer towing:
This post hit home with me. The last line, for sure, 'I am also willing to accept responsibility for my own actions'.
Not many, today, will say that. Hook the chains up, have heard of some using ty-raps or plastic chains.
I have pulled a cargo trailer with a Wing and a Harley Dyna, a pop-up camper with the Wing.
With the Wing, I towed the cargo trailer from West Ga. to: Iron Horse Lodge X3, over the Cherahalha, from Tellico Plains to Robbinsvile, NC.to Iron Horse in the worst storm you could ever imagine, Pour n rain, lightning, low viz., Key West X2, Grand Canyon, down to Las Cruces, to Carlsbad Canyon and back home, 6K+ miles, numerous trips to a BB in Tn. , etc. Pulled the Time Out pop-up from Chatt. to Cartersville, Ga. in a blinding rain, down Hi-way 75, loaded down with gear and a visit to the PX. Set the cruise on 65, lit a smoke, sat back and let it go. Made it home Alive. 'If it don't kill you, it'll just make you Stronger'.

They do say, ' There are foolish riders and there are Old riders, but No Old/Foolish Riders'.

I give you this, I fully intend to tow with my Elio. After I go to La and get my Elio, I will learn to tow with it, first the cargo trailer, with bricks/sand bags around town, then with the Mini-Mate. I now plan to have my moment of 'Take This Job and Shove It' after I receive it. I have the cargo trailer now and will have the Mini-Mate by then.

Like Willie said, 'I'll be on the Road Again'.

BTW, if we get the go ahead for an Elio get to gether at 'The Iron Horse Lodge', next year, it's a Dry county, I learned the hard way, Late ride back to Andrews.
Now both my typing fingers are tired.
Hope I'm on this side of 'Verbosity'
I made a trailer hitch for my Geo Metro and towed a sailboat. Don't see a problem doing the same with an Elio.
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