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Mature People Only?


Elio Addict
May 27, 2014
Reaction score
Well said! Once it becomes "real" and people understand the "fuel credit card" method of payment, there will be (virtually) NO ONE who can't afford it!

I can't remember where I read it, but it was something very recent and official, but they said along with the description of the credit card plan there there will be a required monthly minimum. So to me that means that if you don't drive enough (meaning don't need to fill up much) then you won't be meeting the monthly minimum payment.

For me, my Elio will be mostly a to work and home vehicle and general errands. And here in Des Moines nothing is very far away so I likely won't be able to meet minimums. The way it sounds is that the credit card method may be best suited for people that plan to travel a lot and a traditional financing method may be the best bet for people like me.

But of course we'll have to wait for all the details to get figure out. :)


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, Republic of Texas
It's probably a combination of younger people being more attracted to social media rather than product forums - and the Elio itself having an appeal to those of us in our retirement years or at least close by who are beginning to think about pinching pennies to enjoy their retirement.

Most of the current automotive forums are populated by people in their mid-20's to mid-30's. Check out Internet Brands for a cross-section of automotive forums and you'll see the demographic shift. I've been active on Club Lexus for nearly 14 years now and saw it grow from a thousand members to well over 200,000 - with about 5 times that number of guests. In that 14 years the site went from a 30's to 50's demo consisting of fairly mature enthusiasts to include a lot of younger owners who purchased their Lexus with 100K to 200K on the clock - at a very friendly price . . . and a good sprinkling who were so fortunate as to have mommy and daddy buy them a $70K car for their high school graduation. In the middle we have what we term "legacy owners" whose parents handed down their nice rides to their college age children. These are most often the ones who complain when their RX won't keep up with their friends Corvettes and Porsches and want to know how to get F1 cornering and 9 second quarter miles out of mommy's SUV.

Among those segments of the demographic we have genuine enthusiasts, good people looking for information, helpful professionals who can offer advice and recommendations, and of course the small contingent of trolls and d'bags that seem to inhabit all forums - including this one. Fortunately, the latter don't last long - they are either banned by the forum, or more likely, lose interest when they're not the stars of the show. Overall, I'd say we have a nice mix of people and viewpoints here. We're lucky to have mature thoughtful members here, ones that understand that the internet is public and that a forum is supposed to be a place people of similar interests can have a convivial conversation with others so inclined. Then again, have you ever visited a Mustang forum? :eek:


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Hey, I'm not in my 20's, but I'm closer to them than my 40's :). I've been donut-holed!
Hi and welcome from Oregon, samwichse. According to your profile you don't know whether you are male or female, you are 113 years old and you live in the USA. LOL The last person to claim such a high age was lying through his teeth - he was 70. Obviously since you say you are between the 20's and 40's you are not 113. Whatever floats your boat. I hope you enjoy the adventure of this exciting journey to Elio production and ownership. It is an exciting thing to behold so please check out the Events Calendar to see where and when you can see the Elio. I saw it last week and it was worth the 7 hour round trip to do so. 2015 in our Elios! :-) Z

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
Overall, I'd say we have a nice mix of people and viewpoints here. We're lucky to have mature thoughtful members here, ones that understand that the internet is public and that a forum is supposed to be a place people of similar interests can have a convivial conversation with others so inclined. Then again, have you ever visited a Mustang forum? :eek:
Extremely well said. Let's hear it for us old folks.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Extremely well said. Let's hear it for us old folks.

To the old folks! :D



Elio Addict
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
I can't remember where I read it, but it was something very recent and official, but they said along with the description of the credit card plan there there will be a required monthly minimum. So to me that means that if you don't drive enough (meaning don't need to fill up much) then you won't be meeting the monthly minimum payment.

For me, my Elio will be mostly a to work and home vehicle and general errands. And here in Des Moines nothing is very far away so I likely won't be able to meet minimums. The way it sounds is that the credit card method may be best suited for people that plan to travel a lot and a traditional financing method may be the best bet for people like me.

But of course we'll have to wait for all the details to get figure out. :)
Your lucky. Instead of only 66% of your bill going to the pay off, it will be more like 70 or 80%.
I will be rounding mine up to the nearest $100. I never pay minimum.


Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, mature people, mostly. I think the average age here is 10-15 years older than any other automotive forum I've been on. I moderate the one of, if not THE world's most popular/active automotive forums, and I thought we had an old demographic. Till I came here.

It IS Elio's stated demographic, but for the life of me I don't get it.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I have also noticed the age distribution on this forum, and other Elio forums as well, does skew older however I do not believe this is an example of the demographics of who will ultimately buy the Elio when it is available but instead it shows who is willing to get involved at this point and make an advance reservation. To me this pattern just shows that the older demographic is more likely to have the disposable savings and willingness to invest it in this vehicle at this point in its development cycle as it is not a sure thing.
I would bet this vehicle would appeal to a wide range of people however if you are struggling to make ends meet and need an inexpensive vehicle you are likely not taking chances with your money. Personally I have told many of my friends who are typical 30-something suburban commuters with families and while many of them are interested in the idea of an extremely fuel efficient and inexpensive commuter vehicle most of them also do not see any reason to put money down on an idea which may or may not happen.
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