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Where Did 84 Mpg Come From?


Elio Addict
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
There will be no fail here. This baby has been slowly plodding along since 08 and getting better and better all the time.
There will be some adjusting as the real deal is built later this year. But I think they will be within 5% of their target on the MPG.
This dude is an engineer and as such probably has some reasonable idea what is doable. That is why he is shooting at 80 some MPG
Now I think that a fixed price is more of a crap shoot. If the economy stays the same - maybe, but he will probably be needing to go a little over 7250.00 by the time and cost of leaving meet at the end of 2015.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Please post your sources. What facts have caused you to come to that conclusion?
You could list the facts to date that cause Elio enthusiasts to conclude that Elio will be successful and others will look over the same list and conclude failure. Why even ask the question? Who cares? Elio is on a roll......focus on the real progress being made on the bumpy road to the finish line......in Q4 2015. Today I conclude Elio's success. If the Prototypes still aren't under construction by the end of Sept. my conclusion may change. Although, it really doesn't matter until Elio Motors has a 'proven end result'........SUCCESS or failure.


Elio Fan
Jul 6, 2014
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Hello fellow elio reservist. The question on this decision is why is 84 MPG so magical? To my mind it's not magical but a car company finally keeping its word. Hyundai just got caught overstating its MPG on many of its modals. It's my hope that Elio will be honest with its customer base. If they say the car gets 84 MPG thats what they deliver. I am bone tired of being lied to under the guise of " your results may vary." So I think it's important to start off on the right foot with elio by not going that route in the first place. Build trust by saying what you mean and mean what you say. Elio is a new way of thinking. And by actually delivering what they promise will be a breath of vary fresh air. How many of us have bought a product only to find out later they lied though there teeth? And what did they really accomplish? Other then get a short term sale. Elio will deliver. Elio a whole new way to drive. By telling the truth!!!!!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Elio is clearly working hard to meet their goals with genuine effort........whether they meet, beat, or even fall a little short. Time will tell once we see that new engine perform. No magic and or stretching the truth as far as I can tell.


Elio Addict
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Please post your sources. What facts have caused you to come to that conclusion?
Pretty simple, really.... Searching the net for information on Elio we find that the first production date for the Elio was 2010 (if I remember the number incorrectly, the point is that it was several years ago). And here we are in 2014 where - at least since I've been watching - Elio has been bumping the release date 3 months every 90 days.

Thus, I conclude that Elio - who is by their own admission short of the start up capital required to go into production - is caught in a death spiral of underfunding and hoping that a White Knight will come in with a crapload of cash and save them. At this stage in the game I don't think that's likely to happen.... so I predict failure.

Mind you, I'd love to be wrong, but that's my heart speaking; not my mind.
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