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Sailor Dog

Elio Addict
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
South West
"Do I need to wear a helmet when driving an SRK?

Helmet laws vary by state, and a full-state-by-state analysis is pending. There will be no requirement for a helmet with the SRK in any state where helmets are not required for driving motorcycles. In addition, states like Oregon and California carry additional exemptions due to the enclosed form factor of the SRK."

19 States & DC (Including the populous states of NY &California) (the ENTIRE west coast and Nevada, the ENTIRE South except for SC & Florida!) have universal helmet laws requirements (everyone wears a helmet). So glad that ELIO put so much energy into legislative efforts! Arcimoto overlooked something of major consequence and are now crying about it. WHY IS ELIO REQUIRED TO BE SO INCLUSIVE???...THIS IS ALL ABOUT BIZ!!! PENNY WISE POUND FOOLISH WAS ARCIMOTO!!!
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
So Elio gets the blame for Arcimoto's problems now, too? You should place the blame for this exactly where it belongs: On Arcimoto's shoulders.

Arcimoto made a conscious decision to design their vehicle with an open cabin and a steering bar, knowing full well that this would require the driver to have a motorcycle endorsement to legally drive it. This was pointed out to them, and they acknowledged the issue, then brushed it off. Since then, have they done *anything* at all to change this situation? No? Well, then I guess they pretty well screwed themselves, didn't they?

I'm rooting for them to be successful, as well as all the other three-wheeler companies out there. But they get to take responsibility for their own screw-ups, just like everyone else does.
Arcimoto's plan is on schedule.........no screw ups on their part whatsoever. The 1700+ SRK reservationists are happy with the SRKs Motorcycle classification, licensing requirements, and helmet laws. Nothing to do with Elio. Two different 3 wheelers for 2 different market demographics. Thanks KenK for poking the Elio Bear on the Arcimoto thread.

Sailor Dog

Elio Addict
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
South West
Arcimoto's plan is on schedule.........no screw ups on their part whatsoever. The 1700+ SRK reservationists are happy with the SRKs Motorcycle classification, licensing requirements, and helmet laws. Nothing to do with Elio. Two different 3 wheelers for 2 different market demographics. Thanks KenK for poking the Elio Bear on the Arcimoto thread.
Great business strategy... excluding over 50% of Americans! Besides it's EXTREMELY dangerous to wear a helmet in a Arcimoto cage! Sincerely, thank you KenK!!!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
One can debate safety only after both the SRK's and the Elio's independent safety test results are in. Vehicle design, engineering, build quality and safety features will have impact on actual safety ratings. Frankly, I won't feel particiulary safe in either if or when available for delivery. I'm thinking both EM and Arcimoto should offer the ultimate airbag suit option:

Drive what you like, like what you drive.
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Sailor Dog

Elio Addict
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
South West
One can debate safety only after both the SRK's and the Elio's independent safety test results are in. Vehicle design, engineering, build quality and safety features will have impact on actual safety ratings. Frankly, I won't feel particiulary safe in either if or when available for delivery. I'm thinking both EM and Arcimoto should offer the ultimate airbag suit option:

Buy what you like, like what you drive.
ALL ENCLOSED 3 WHEELERS (INCLUDING ELIO) ARE SAFER WITHOUT A HELMET. Only ELIO has addressed this issue! Design can't change being a melonhead on a stick :)


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
Arcimoto will do well in warm to hot coastal cities in the US. Plus will be a hit in Hawaii due to the large number of gated communities where people right now use lead acid golf carts for transportation. The open air feeling by the ocean is a big bonus for that vehicle over the Elio.

Elio will do well in the interior of the US. Places where people drive 80-90 miles just to get to work. Many plants are on a 3/36 schedule where you work 3 days in a row for 12 hours per day. Then you get 4 days off. Most of these are all of those hidden plants many never see yet the workers must travel far if they want a good paying job. The other 4 days, they have another side business (i.e. farming, horses, car restoration, etc...). Many drive some beat up 10-15 year old Civic because it's cheap to operate and easy to fix. Then it's parked for 4 days while they do their other business at home.

Each one has it's customer base. Arcimoto doesn't need to sell 250K/year because they could never sell that many no matter what. Elio can, because they have a bigger geographical area and the weather to deal with. Both look like they will come online about the same time and thus, both fill a specific customer need. Very few markets where they will be tripping over themselves.

Sailor Dog

Elio Addict
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
South West
Arcimoto will do well in warm to hot coastal cities in the US. Plus will be a hit in Hawaii due to the large number of gated communities where people right now use lead acid golf carts for transportation. The open air feeling by the ocean is a big bonus for that vehicle over the Elio.

Elio will do well in the interior of the US. Places where people drive 80-90 miles just to get to work. Many plants are on a 3/36 schedule where you work 3 days in a row for 12 hours per day. Then you get 4 days off. Most of these are all of those hidden plants many never see yet the workers must travel far if they want a good paying job. The other 4 days, they have another side business (i.e. farming, horses, car restoration, etc...). Many drive some beat up 10-15 year old Civic because it's cheap to operate and easy to fix. Then it's parked for 4 days while they do their other business at home.

Each one has it's customer base. Arcimoto doesn't need to sell 250K/year because they could never sell that many no matter what. Elio can, because they have a bigger geographical area and the weather to deal with. Both look like they will come online about the same time and thus, both fill a specific customer need. Very few markets where they will be tripping over themselves.
Hawaii & Florida don't require helmets... great for Arcimoto...but everyone has a summer ;), ELIO convertible?! Arcimoto growth will be stifled with a 31 state strategy. What about Canada and Europe? They will follow our lead. Grow or die will eventually bite Arcimoto in the ass! How long before gruesome accident stories begin about helmeted Arcimoto drivers!
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Elio Addict
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Jelly Stone Park, CA
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