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Elio Crowdfunding

Bilbo B

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Way I see it, this is a good product (which is why I went All In last year). Everything appears to be in place except funding. If I invest, help them get that funding, maybe they actually build it. If they do, then my All In investment returns my bonus and I get a new daily driver. Once 40,000+ of these are running around the roads, I think it will take off, and this investment will pay off.

That said, this is Non Binding. I ain't committed to anything, and want to understand just what my investment buys me, share wise, investor rights wise, all those things.


Elio Aficionado
Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
Way I see it, this is a good product (which is why I went All In last year). Everything appears to be in place except funding. If I invest, help them get that funding, maybe they actually build it. If they do, then my All In investment returns my bonus and I get a new daily driver. Once 40,000+ of these are running around the roads, I think it will take off, and this investment will pay off.

That said, this is Non Binding. I ain't committed to anything, and want to understand just what my investment buys me, share wise, investor rights wise, all those things.

Exactly! It'd be interesting to see what share of the company the $50M of crowd-funded equity (to non-accredited investors) will buy. My biggest concern is even if they get the $50M, they still need a lot more, which needs to come from some where.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
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Ok people buy stock in the Green Bay Packers. The only so called publicly owned NFL team . It is not really publicly own but what ever they call it the thing works. The Stock is worthless but people buy it every time they offer it.
They buy it one to support the Packers and two to play a small part in where the team is going.
yes if this turns out to be straight even though a risk I will Donate some more cash. Why, to support the idea of a start up American company, that will try to use American made parts and labor. To endorse a product with my own cash that I feel is worth while. Unlike so many today that are willing to support all kinds of causes long as it is someone else's cash, I will throw in a bit more of my own.
Do your home work if it passes the smell test and it won't put you or your family at risk why not go out on a limb for good reason.
We all know you already gave a lot of your tax money to phony green programs.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
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We're in but once again limited to amount of 10% of income or 10% of net worth (not including home) and not our investment fund money. Money we can afford to lose but hoping we don't. Keep that in mind when investing in any stock, can you afford to lose that money? We did a little less than 10% of income, if there is a stock offering later we'll invest more through our Fidelity investment account. Go Elio!:D


Elio Aficionado
Sep 22, 2014
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I've invested in many start up companies 15 years ago. Some did great, some.... well.....poof! Most all I was in had way less progress to see than what Elio is showing. Its risky, but no risk , no reward. If they do get it going, its going to be huge, IMHO.
Back in the early 1980's, my local bank , and its branches were going to go public. They offered all their customers a chance to buy shares for $5 each.
I was young and just starting out with no extra money. I did not buy. A few years later, the shares were worth ....... over $100 each.
I'm in for four figures worth.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
I've invested in many start up companies 15 years ago. Some did great, some.... well.....poof! Most all I was in had way less progress to see than what Elio is showing. Its risky, but no risk , no reward. If they do get it going, its going to be huge, IMHO.
Back in the early 1980's, my local bank , and its branches were going to go public. They offered all their customers a chance to buy shares for $5 each.
I was young and just starting out with no extra money. I did not buy. A few years later, the shares were worth ....... over $100 each.
I'm in for four figures worth.
Was offered stock purchase in a hotel chain I worked for bought at $10 a share. After 2 years part of the company broke off and we were issued the same number of shares in the new company. 18 months later I sold my stock in the new company for $10.25 a share and the other stock for $38.95 a share. Plus 3 years of dividends. It was a nice chunk of change and the start of our investment portfolio.:D
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