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General Reservation Questions And Comments


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
I want to upgrade my $250 all-in to $500 all-in. No options on the website *upgrade" page allow this. What can I do about that?
Interesting. I know I wanted to upgrade from $100 to $250 but had to wait several months until I had $400 saved so I could upgrade to $500. I take it your only option is $1K? :-) Z


Elio Addict
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
As of yesterday I'm "all in" (but only for $100 right now) and I'm wondering how the whole process works. I understand I will be receiving a number to let me know where I stand among other depositors, and then the process gets foggy. When my number comes up, then what? There obviously aren't going to be any Elios at the dealerships to choose from, so will I be choosing the color, and how I want the vehicle equipped, and then they build it? Will we be allowed to test drive one before the actual purchase? If so, where is that Elio coming from? I apologize if this has already discussed in another thread, but if it was, I wasn't able to find it...thanks.


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
First off, only $1000 all-ins get a number. I'm $100 all in as well, and we don't get them. Because other $1000 all-ins will be before us in line so our number would keep changing. From what I gather, once your close to being up next, Elio will contact you with all the specifics.


Elio Addict
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
First off, only $1000 all-ins get a number. I'm $100 all in as well, and we don't get them. Because other $1000 all-ins will be before us in line so our number would keep changing. From what I gather, once your close to being up next, Elio will contact you with all the specifics.

Yeah, I didn't think about our position changing because of the higher deposit amounts...I guess I'm not as concerned about that as I am about what happens when our number comes up...that is a huge grey area...

Joshua Caldwell

Staff member
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
As of yesterday I'm "all in" (but only for $100 right now) and I'm wondering how the whole process works. I understand I will be receiving a number to let me know where I stand among other depositors, and then the process gets foggy. When my number comes up, then what? There obviously aren't going to be any Elios at the dealerships to choose from, so will I be choosing the color, and how I want the vehicle equipped, and then they build it? Will we be allowed to test drive one before the actual purchase? If so, where is that Elio coming from? I apologize if this has already discussed in another thread, but if it was, I wasn't able to find it...thanks.

When you number comes up you will be able to order options from a website to choose color and options and they build/ship it to you. Later on they plan on rolling out about 60 stores where you can directly inspect the options before choosing from a website.

Starting in 2015 multiple Elios will be accompanying the tours for test drives. Once the stores start opening then test drives will be available there.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
No one really knows for sure yet . You throw down some cash and wait. Pretty much all based on faith and nothing more.
Not so scary when you just except this is a roll of the dice.


Elio Addict
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
From my understanding about 2 months before your car is ready, Elio will contact you with a website where you build the car and choose options. From there they will give you the date the car will be ready. When the car is ready, you can pick it up at the factory or have it shipped to the nearest Elio store.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
As of yesterday I'm "all in" (but only for $100 right now) and I'm wondering how the whole process works. I understand I will be receiving a number to let me know where I stand among other depositors, and then the process gets foggy. When my number comes up, then what? There obviously aren't going to be any Elios at the dealerships to choose from, so will I be choosing the color, and how I want the vehicle equipped, and then they build it? Will we be allowed to test drive one before the actual purchase? If so, where is that Elio coming from? I apologize if this has already discussed in another thread, but if it was, I wasn't able to find it...thanks.
Here is information from the 4/11/2014 Blog:

Q: I really want a test drive, when can I get one?
  • We are planning a full test drive program similar to what you would do at a new car dealer today. The full-scale test drive program will start with the roll-out of our Elio Stores in the top 60 markets.
Q. I have an All In reservation for ($100, $500, $1000 etc.), when can I get my Elio?
  • The reservation system is set up to allow for vehicles to be delivered in the following order: $1,000 All In, $500 All In, $250 All In, $100 All In then on to the $1000 Want In, $500 Want In, $250 Want In and finally the $100 Want In group. The date and time your transaction was completed locks in your spot, which includes moving up to a higher level with and upgrade of your All In reservation. It is difficult to forecast when a certain level will get their Elio. The only one that we can “guesstimate” right now is the $1000 All in group because they know their spot in line. If you were to make a $1000 All In reservation today we are estimating that you would receive a vehicle 5-7 weeks after production starts next year.
Q. When I made my reservation, there wasn’t a spot to pick my color or options… what gives?
  • This is a popular question that creates a lot of emails. The reservation gets you a spot in line (and some other benefits) for an Elio. The next fun step will be when you get to actually “make” your Elio! So here is how it is going to work for reservation holders at all levels: about 60 days before your Elio is scheduled to be built you will receive an email that contains a link to your own personal Elio page. On this page you will get to choose what your Elio will be: color, transmission, options… everything! We are even looking into technology that will allow you to see your vehicle with color and options live on the screen as you build it. Once you submit that we will plug it into our build plan and make an Elio especially for you!

I hope that helps. :-) Z


Elio Aficionado
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Toney, AL
Hello everyone! My name's Don & I've been lurking for close to a year, but figured I'd wait to sign up here until I jumped off the cliff to make my reservation. Elio could have sped that up by offering Yellow as a color choice, since I hate the thought of ordering one just to have to paint it to get the color I want. :( Still, I have been looking at three-wheelers for my all-weather commute for years (came SO close to putting cash down on a Corbin Merlin coupe that it's scary!) and decided to go for it.

My big question for those of you who have already made the leap of faith is is "How exactly does Elio process the transaction?" Do they process the credit card for a cash advance of the amount you specify, or is it charged as a purchase? The reason I ask is that of the three cards I use (and keep paid off), the rates vary on each card for the different transaction types. Although my intent is to sell off some items to get the cash to pay the card transaction off, the type of transaction can make a difference as to whether or not a fee is charged as well as the a higher/lower interest rate if I don't get it paid off immediately.

How about it? Can anyone enlighten me so that I can go ahead and decide which of these things to use for my all-in transaction? o_O
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