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Push Elio Over The Top !


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I don't think I will be sending emails out and I have tried to strike a balance so as not to become annoying however I have definitely shared my Elio obsession with all my friends and family both in person and over social media.

Considering I work from home, my father was my business partner, and I live within sight of my parents' house they have likely heard about this the most. My mother would really like one even though she has never actually seen one in person yet however she has been asking my father to buy her a small runabout vehicle for quite a while now as she can not handle the scooter anymore due to arthritis in her hands plus the Elio would offer all weather comfort. :)

I will likely end up putting in $100 on a reservation towards the end of the current promotion period with that being in my mothers name. :)

My father is much less enthusiastic about the whole thing however this is likely mostly due to his very conservative nature with money and this being far from a done deal. He did get to see it at the air show in Rome, GA and was impressed with the P4 build. As he is a gear-head at heart I am sure when I get mine he will be begging to drive it as he never has been able to resist a new motorized toy. I guess that must run in the family. :D
A $100 reservation in your mothers name............happy Mother's Day. She will love it.........as will your father.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
I think it's a personal thing to send out an email about the Elio to friends and family. In my situation the family I've told have had mixed reactions from " It looks like a death trap" to " That is so cool looking". One friend is interested but doesn't have the money right now, even for a $100.00 refundable reservation. I'll wait until I pull up in their driveway, to toot the Elios horn and then let them deside for themselves.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Nobody said you had to do it, and if you feel insulted, you're probably one of the few.... Most people here are excited about the Elio, and want to promote it and help it succeed. If you aren't, that's fine. It takes all kinds.
I received several wonderful gift from friends last month. I now have 2 Elio motors hats with my reservation number on them and one with Zelio on one side and Elio Owners Forum on the other. I wear them everywhere so if anyone even notices I get so enthusiastic about the Elio I tell them all about it. I have had several people say they were going home and look it up.

I consider my "gift" the information I provide them as my income does not allow for the monetary kind. I love sharing the Elio story and since it is obvious that my enthusiasm is very real and very sincere, it makes an impression. Wearing my Elio t-shirt dress or elioowners.com dress doesn't hurt either. I have one more in the works. :p :rolleyes: :) Z


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
PS to my last post -- the friend I "sold" the Elio to whispered in my ear last night, after a Messiah rehearsal (he's one of the pro soloists), "Don't tell my wife! She doesn't know I'm on the list!" Good thing I'm in the Elio promoting biz (so to speak) and not the marriage counselor racket!


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
PS to my last post -- the friend I "sold" the Elio to whispered in my ear last night, after a Messiah rehearsal (he's one of the pro soloists), "Don't tell my wife! She doesn't know I'm on the list!" Good thing I'm in the Elio promoting biz (so to speak) and not the marriage counselor racket!
So why were you at Messiah rehearsal? Got a talent that we don't know about?
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