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Random Thoughts...


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
It seems the older I get the worse my memory.... help me out. I seem to remember watching a video of Paul doing one of his Q&A sessions a month or two ago. Can't find it anywhere now. Anyway, if memory serves me right, toward the end of the talk he remarked that he (they?) would be making an announcement about their financing in a few weeks. It's been a while and I've heard nothing. Anyone know anything about this?

Keep this forum alive. Post something, damn it! This is my post #666 :flame:

What you are looking for is around the 7:20 mark on Part 2. Something along the lines of, "Watch in the coming weeks and there should be some good information."
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Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
True, true, and none of us are getting any younger.
But as wise man say "anything worth having is worth waiting for".

Here was a guy that got really old waiting for a number of things that didn't happen for a long time.

But then again, maybe all the other stuff was just to ………. just to ……….. ummm I forgot what I was talking about.


Elio Addict
Feb 27, 2016
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I don't know about you guys, but I have this cringe factor every time I see a mention of ACCREDITED INVESTORS when reading about the financial news. I know the intent is to protect novice investors from their ignorance of RISK, but some of us are very well aware of risk and would choose to invest anyway. But we do not have that option without the big bucks. It seems a little anti-competitive to me.

This came to mind as I was thinking back over my attempts to invest a modest amount in Ellio. I tried to acquire it during Reg A+ but was told I couldn't get it because it was a penny stock and couldn't be purchased though my broker because I wasn't an Accredited Investor. This was after choosing that broker (Scott-Trade) for just that purpose. Then the excitement about investing through the ELIO Coin and now I see that is also only available to ACCREDITED Investors.

I guess up to this point, I've been fortunate since I would have bought in at $20 initially. But I also would have added at $2 to dollar cost average my investment. But because I'm not ACCREDITED, this is all theoretical.

Anyway, I was thinking of ways to receive the greatest value for my money. I was considering upgrading my $500 All-In Locked-In to a SIL or invest. The same would be an option for my $100 All-In Locked-In on my second Elio, though both are not vehicles of need for the foreseeable future with my 2017 Prius just rolling past the 14,000 mile mark.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent my frustrations as an UNACCREDITED investor wannabee.


Elio Addict
Jun 6, 2016
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Hmm, Government run lotteries with no restriction on who and how much can be spent on it.
Nanny Government, "protecting" "unaccredited" grown adults from investing in
"risky" companies.

Puzzling isn't it.
Don't like competition perhaps?

Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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Different subject. Back in High School I read a book called "Hidden Persuaders" by Vance Packard. It talks about how your sub-conscious is used to manipulate you into buying brand A instead of brand B. That was back in the seventies. Lately, I have been noticing how my grocery stores, Kroger and Meijers, are both constantly re-arranging all the shelf contents. Sometimes even moving them from one end of the store to the other. This makes you have to hunt to find what your looking for. They have calculated that you will notice other things and buy more than what you initially went there for. To fight this, I make and keep to a grocery list. The only time I deviate is if there are some sales too good to pass up, and then I stock up.

The manipulation goes much further than just purchases. Even politicians are using these techniques to say what the voters want to hear.
(I think J.F. Kennedy used this a lot.) Wondering how much more advanced they are now, forty five years later.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
Accredited Investor for an offering like this is done for a reason. When you are raising capital, you don't want to have just average people investing $1K. You want investors that are in the $1M plus. This is because Elio needs to raise at least $376M and doing that with $1K investments won't cut it. Elio has discovered this with the Reg A offering because it only netted $16M and that was obviously not enough. When you go the accredited route then that is open to the group of people or institutions to look into a larger stake and have the ability to make a larger profit. It comes down to, you got to have money to make money.

There's a downfall because it's not just a home run. Remember, Elio was going to list on NASDAQ and raise $100M but that was only open to accredited investors too. We obviously know that did not work. This is why I'm a bit confused as to why Elio is pretty much trying the same thing because these are securities and still are regulated by the SEC (as per what Elio said). From my point of view, this is just another method of raising capital for the same exact product you had 3 years ago. If it's not, I'd like an explanation because if I didn't invest in the NSADAQ offering, why would I do it with the Eliocoin offering? What's the advantage? It's up to Jones Trading to find these accredited investors just like the last company (I can't remember the name) but they were supposed to be very successful in finding capital.

At this point it's a wait and see. Obviously Overstock invested in Elio for a reason but I suspect it's because they are doing a tie in with the car and are going to have Eliocoin traded on their platform and tZero needs some clients signed up to get it up and running.

Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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rguercio, why so negative? What do you hope to accomplish? Would making someone else as disappointed as you accomplish anything? If everybody on the site sent a letter of complaint to Elio, would it change anything? Were all in the same boat and none of us is the captain. We just have to wait.

W. WIllie

Elio Addict
Nov 16, 2014
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Campo Ca.
I just hope I get my ELIO before my the G1 Insight wears out. 420 K and counting.
Taking a trip back to WI next week and return the next week, expect I'll get 60+ MPG as usual.(Better if I quit driving 75-80.)


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
rguercio, why so negative? What do you hope to accomplish? Would making someone else as disappointed as you accomplish anything? If everybody on the site sent a letter of complaint to Elio, would it change anything? Were all in the same boat and none of us is the captain. We just have to wait.
Agreed. I get the hate and frustration. I don't get holding on to the hate. Letting pain pass is all part of living.
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