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Borrow $240 Mil, Or Borrow Alot Less And Start Out Slow?


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
That's exactly what I wanted you to think. o_O :p
Mind control topic with John and NSTG8R;
I would like both of you to take a tour of most any asylum and I will point out the single most common problem there. Sure there are exceptions because what's more complicated than the brain? Just follow me for a moment. In 95 percent of the cases you will see there are people who are simply lost in their own thoughts. Yes it's that simple. There are so many people so far out there in their own mind both with worry and anything else that can occupy the mind they simply loose touch with everything else. There is a passage in the Bible that is the elixir. Or at least the best I've seen yet. That there are so many people conflicted over truths there I've discovered is that primarily because the reader is blinded by a poor attitude before ever picking the Bible up. Don't even bother to try and understand if your attitude is that the Bible has to prove itself to you. Would someone here like to suggest what the person with this attitude is missing? OH wait a minute. We're not in the general off topic thread. Never mind.

P.S. feel free to cancel this for lack of interest. You see that's another attitude problem too. LOL
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Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
I disagree on several levels. On the surface, the only thing observable is that Elio Motors exists and continues, euphemistically, to move the ball down the field towards production. The end score is not known yet either for the home team or the rival. Until those are known, the outcome can not be determined. Unless you cheer for the Pats of course. :D

Actually I'm a Seahawks fan. :(
Here's the fact that somehow most of us if not all (including myself) finding hard to accept is WE WERE MADE TO BELIEVE THAT FUNDING WAS NEVER A PROBLEM!!!!! So the excitement built up, reservations continue to increase and we all can't wait for EM's famous line "we are expecting to start production in first half of........, second half of.....by the end of......) and the rest was history. Then it all dawned on everybody once the bad news was announced that FUNDING was an issue! We all have to admit that if indeed the funding was in place early on, our ELIO should have been out there on the streets of America! There is no justification in EM's part for saying "FUNDING IS NOT AN ISSUE"! That's all I'm saying. And for those that want to still hanging on to "you know what you're getting into.....or how hard it is to start a car company from scratch....or etc. , don't because it'll be a disrespect on your intelligence). I say GIVE IT A REST, HOPE FOR THE BEST! ;)


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
sorry John, its pretty clear that you are wasting your time .... its useless to try to have a rational discussion with folks who believe that since EM has yet to announce that they have reached 84 mpg it means they never will, that because they haven't produced 25 new prototypes they never will, that because things haven't gone exactly as they would like it means they are being lied to, that things can't change unless there is a devilish influence behind it .... the good news is none of these discussions has any impact on bringing the project to production


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
The only way it would be a waste of time, is if I were spending time with something that I did not care about. I care about Elio Motors.

by waste of time I was referring to the futility of responding in the hope of having them pay attention to untwisted logic/facts .... I do enjoy the way you point out the flaws in their arguments


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
earlier today I received the following email from NC's Junior Senator .... he's only been in office for a few months but so far I've found him to be much more responsive than his predecessor :

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

As you are aware, the ATVM loan program is available for automobile manufacturers to encourage the industry to produce vehicles with higher gas mileage capabilities. Elio Motors is seeking a $185 million ATVM loan to jumpstart their production. Although I am not a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, I will continue to follow this issue closely. In addition, if this issue comes before the full Senate, I will carefully consider everything you have said in making a decision that is best for North Carolina and the country.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me again about other issues that are important to you.



Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
earlier today I received the following email from NC's Junior Senator .... he's only been in office for a few months but so far I've found him to be much more responsive than his predecessor :

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

As you are aware, the ATVM loan program is available for automobile manufacturers to encourage the industry to produce vehicles with higher gas mileage capabilities. Elio Motors is seeking a $185 million ATVM loan to jumpstart their production. Although I am not a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, I will continue to follow this issue closely. In addition, if this issue comes before the full Senate, I will carefully consider everything you have said in making a decision that is best for North Carolina and the country.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me again about other issues that are important to you.



Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator
Do you think politicians take courses in writing nothing that can fill a page? I'm sure he'll get better at avoiding any commitments the longer he "serves"
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