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Jeff Porter's Football Talk


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
it appears that, unlike the Packers, the Pats have come to play in both halves .... they just scored on a tackle eligible play that was a variation of the one that caught the Ravens by surprise

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
I was rooting big time for the Packers yesterday. Bummer. LOL

I thought back to the playoffs last year, my Chiefs were up 35-10 at Indy at halftime. Game ends, Chiefs lose, 41-38. :eek:

Fast-forward to yesterday. Packers intercept the ball with a bit more than 5 minutes to go. Defensive back doesn't try to run, feeling that the Packers will win. Seriously?

GB is up 19-7 with 5 minutes to go and have the ball. Seriously?

Running plays of -4, -2, and 2 yds. Seriously. GB punts, and Seattle has the ball with 4 min left, down 12 pts.

I know, I know, here's an idea... let's have the Packers do one of those really cool 'prevent' defenses, where you keep everything in front of you, and let the other team score quickly. Sea's scoring drive: 7 plays, 69 yds, 1:43. Seriously??

I'ts 19-14, Seattle has 1 timeout, the 2 min warning, and elects to do an onside kick. Good call. Packer's player jumps to catch the ball, it goes through his hands, bounces down, Seahawks recover. Seriously.

GB's defense still has a chance to win the game. The game they knew they had already won. Oops. Sea's scoring drive: 4 plays, 50 yds, 0:44. LOL, I'm sorry... what?

Ok, Sea is up 20-19, they choose to go for 2 pts, rightly so. Wilson scrambles to the right, throws literally a hail-mary from the 10 yd line, back to the left. The GB defensive back Clinton-Dix was there, and for some reason, either didn't see the ball, mis-timed his jump, or forgot where he was. Catch, Seattle, 2 pts awarded, it's now 22-19. Oh.............. my.................. goodness.

GB has 3 timeouts, a non-mobile Rodgers, and 1:25 to get into FG range. They move 48 yds and get to the Sea 30. GB lines up for a game-tying FG... from 48 yds... clock says 0:19.... and it's wet and around 50 degrees. Kick is up, and it's.... good!


GB gets to call the toss. They call ... tails. By my book, Tails Never Fails. The toss is.... heads. Sea takes the ball.

It takes Sea 5 plays to go from their 13 to the GB 35. Next play, pass down the middle to Jermaine Kearse. Game over, Sea 28 GB 22. *sigh*

Congrats to the Seahawks, go kick some Patriot butt!!
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