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Sondors Electric Car


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
DC area
I was asked to stop posting progress reports on similar vehicles like the SONDORS. I will honor that request.

I was not actively trying to sell any of these alternate three wheeler vehicles and/or EVs by noting progress of other three wheeler concept options under development. I would rather be posting tangible progress reports on the Elio, my favorite three wheeler concept after nearly a decade of following it's progress. I continue to have interest in the Elio's success. "Go Three Wheels", Paul Elio.

My apology.

Doesn't surprise me, this is par. It is their site, remember? You can always post that elsewhere. It doesn't make any difference, anyhow.
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Elio Addict
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Top of Utah
I wonder if I signed up on Solo, Sondors, etc. sites and 90% of my posts were about how great the Elio is and how IC engines are so much better than EVs and how much safer Elios will be, how long would I be welcomed there before being asked to leave.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I was asked to stop posting progress reports on similar vehicles like the SONDORS. I will honor that request.

I was not actively trying to sell any of these alternate three wheeler vehicles and/or EVs by noting progress of other three wheeler concept options under development. I would rather be posting tangible progress reports on the Elio, my favorite three wheeler concept after nearly a decade of following it's progress. I continue to have interest in the Elio's success. "Go Three Wheels", Paul Elio.

My apology.
It's not you who should be apologizing.
I think maybe the wrong thread?
"Similar vehicles"
Either way it's their sandbox and they can keep you/us out.
You'd think the management would look forward to as many posts as possible, considering the ever decreasing postings- used to be I went away for a few hours, now you can go for days and catch up.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
I wonder if I signed up on Solo, Sondors, etc. sites and 90% of my posts were about how great the Elio is and how IC engines are so much better than EVs and how much safer Elios will be, how long would I be welcomed there before being asked to leave.
I think I'm fairly qualified to give you the definitive answer to that question Jambe.
If that would be your worst, you'd always be welcome and would never be asked to leave.

I still try to hang onto the hope that we'll see mixed groups of these funny looking vehicles...
Hanging out together at events, coffee shops, cruise-ins and street corners.

Cheers! :D
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