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For The Dog Lovers Here


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Our pug, Iggy, gets a diet of either boiled ground chuck meatballs (very small) or boiled chicken breast, rotated week to week. She [wife] adds it to some Rachel Ray's dry dog food and sprinkles it with a little shredded sharp cheddar cheese....He'll just sit there and look at you funny with his head cocked to the side until the cheese goes on. Hmmm...yeah, I think she spoiled him. :rolleyes:
The animal nutritionist guy that developed the ground meat recipe said a % of grain/vegies is a requirement in their diets along with the vitamin supplements. Heck, even dogs can't live on meat alone. Probably why my dogs grazed on grass in the backyard.

We were about to start making our dog's food because of allergies but he died. Probably from the Chinese import ingredient sourced commercial dog food. After 47 years of enjoyable dog ownership we decided not to buy anything that requires food.

I'll post the recipe link if I can find it. Maybe Rachel has Iggy covered.
Dec 5, 2013
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East Keester, OHIO
Yea, he is a special little guy. Doctor put him on anti-bac two months ago for horrible violent cough he came back to me with, this time. That's pretty much cleared up. And we put him on IAM dog food a long with Heidi's old Beneficial brand food. And I treat him often with chicken meat balls (cooked for dogs). Still, he has lost weight running around on the farm. Doctor is not worried about that so much as the heart.


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
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Northern Illinois
A bit of an update on Dora. Last November, we had a mast cell tumor (doggy skin cancer) removed from her chest. The vet was very upbeat about it, said he got good clean margins on the tumor and the histology came back as the lowest grade, and we thought we were in the clear. A few months ago, we came home from an afternoon away to find her with a huge swelling over her right eye, actually closing her eye. Back to the vet... Sure enough, another mast cell tumor. Surgery was going to be extremely dicey on this one, so we went for a second opinion, and this time, we've done chemo, believe it or not. She's on a drug called Kinavet, and doing well. Normally, the veterinary oncologist says they run a six month course of the Kinavet and prednisone, but her blood work is coming back so good that they're only going to do three months provided that the blood work comes back good on the next visit. Looking good, and we're happy! :D


Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
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